
One more year to be added

I can't believe i survived another year
and here i am one more year older...


I feel 4 again :) !

With TONS of wierd, funny, sad, happy, crazy, kinky, ugly, beautiful, passionate experiences.. i say Adios last year and HOLA! a beautiful blooming year.
I'm expecting alot this year.

To all of you i dedicate:
Joy- By George winston.

Crazy World indeed! crazy mind as well.

When Women Concentrate..

The count down will start soon
to spread love and flowers
in a flingy world.

Women! they dont carry love and beauty on their shoulders!
They carry their love ones too

God bless.


Hard Game!

It's amazing how things change in matter of time
you babble all day about some issue
And the next thing you are accepting to follow those obligations
and lose those love one you have around and
go for the bond between you and the obligators
and love another strong bond between you
and the prohobited people you are suppose to be with.

Blood comes first.



إليّ إيده بالماي مو مثل إلي ايده بالنار

Jack Vettriano, Who can say it better?!

No one can speak my mind else than jack's painting brush.
Dedication: Robert miles "one & one"
They blocked putfile too!


Celebrate Her Birthday


Losen up my buttons Babe

Two questions:

1-What about all those young 17-ish boys being gay? with their giggly wiggily belly's 2 meters jumping infront of them, and their long emsalsal hair !!! do they really go every day to blow dry it? "faraghaaah''

2- What is the point of having BBQ party if the cook is going to be the one grilling?? i mean forgods sake ..i can grill who can't?! "it happened twice this week"